Chamber Champions


What is the Chamber Champion Sponsorship Rewards Program?

Aligning your brand with the positive, pro-business efforts of the Dunn Area Chamber of Commerce shows your commitment to the Dunn area community and to issues impacting DACC member businesses. Your support is critical to the work of the DACC and will make possible the many Chamber programs designed to support and strengthen small businesses within the Dunn area.

The Chamber Champions program allows DACC members to make their sponsorship commitments for the entire year to better assist with budgeting. This program has been very beneficial for the Chamber and its membership by offering greater value for chamber sponsorships.

To reap the rewards, all you have to do is make your commitment by December 1.

We will work with you to get the value you deserve from your investment.

For details about the Chamber Champions Program

For a complete listing of all Chamber Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this program, please do not hesitate to contact us at (910) 892-4113.