Dunn Chamber Committees

Dunn Area Chamber of Commerce 2023 Committee Involvement Information

Oyster Roast - Annual Fundraiser

  • Coordinate and plan annual Chamber fundraiser.
  • Approximately 2-3 one-hour meetings plus promotion, soliciting sponsors, set up, and attendance.

Dunn Christmas Parade

Community Outreach Committee Chair

  • Secure Sponsorships, plan and coordinate event.
  • 3-5 one-hour meetings
  • 2-4 hours to assist with event.

Ambassadors Club

  • 10 one-hour meetings; 10+ volunteer hours for activities and events.
  • Visits members, and attends Ribbon Cuttings and other chamber functions throughout the year.
  • Act as the Goodwill arm of the Chamber.

Golf Tournament

  • Plan, coordinate, and secure sponsorships for event.
  • 2-4 one-hour meetings
  • 1-6 hours to assist on the day of the tournament.

For More Information about committees and event planning, please contact us at office@dunnchamber.com